Sello Deusto Research Social Impact 2020: “Tratamiento combinado de rehabilitación cognitiva en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson y psicoeducación en sus familiares cuidadores: Eficacia a corto y largo plazo”
- Sello Deusto Research Social Impact 2020: “Funciones ejecutivas y prematuridad de bajo riesgo en la adolescencia y adultez temprana”
- Sello Deusto Research Social Impact 2020: “Bizkailab-Rehacop: Intervenciones de promoción del envejecimiento activo como estrategia de prevención de la discapacidad y dependencia en personas mayores en Bizkaia. (REHACOG)”
- 2nd UD-Santander´s research award 2019
- The European Union selects the REHACOP Programme as an example of Good Practice implemented in Europe and as one of the 5 outstanding European projects within the AFE-INNOVNET Project.AFE-INNOVNET Project.
Sello Deusto Research Social Impact 2017
- Melvin Yahr Young Researcher Award at the World Congress of Parkinson’s in Vietnam, for the study on cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson’s patients.
- The European Union selected the REHACOP program as an example of Good Practice implemented in Europe and as one of the 5 outstanding European projects in the AFE-INNOVET Project
- Jordi Bernabeu Award to the best scientific poster in the VI National Neuropsychology Congress FANPSE 2015. Poster “Functional connectivity in resting state and in a memory task in patients with Parkinson´s disease”.
- Oral communication selected as Stellar Communication in the LXVII Annual Neurology Reunion SEN 2015 “Increased cerebral activation after cognitive rehabilitation with the REHACOP in Parkinson’s disease”.
- 1st Santander-University of Deusto Research Award 2013
- 1st CONVIVE Award. Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health to the project “Symptomatology, cognitive and functional recuperation in schizophrenia with an integral cognitive rehabilitation program”.
- 1st Award to Innovation of Quality and Work Improvement for the Rehacop program and its clinical implementation. Osakidetza 2013.
- Euskalit Award about innovation of the Club 400 of Basque Foundation for Excellence 2009 for the game “Un pequeño reto”
- 1st Award to best scientific communication in the VII Virtual Psychiatry Congress 2009.
- Award to Good Management Practice in Osakidetza 2008, Health Department of the Basque Government.
- 1st Work Innovation Award 2008, Alava´s Psychiatric Hospital, Osakidetza for the game “Un pequeño reto”
- 1st Santander-University of Deusto Research Award 2008 to the research
- Amadeo Sánchez Blanqué Award to best scientific communication about Clinical Research in Psychiatry announced by the Spanish Society of Biological Psychiatry. X National Psychiatry Congress, Seville 2006.
- Secondary Awards of the National Association of Mental Health Nursery’s Research Award (ANESM) 2005 for the work titled “Intensive Therapeutic Interventions: influence in patients with refractoriness to the psychiatric treatment”.
- 1st Award to best scientific poster. International Congress of the World Psychiatry Association. Madrid, 2001.
- 2nd International Award to Quality and Scientific Relevance. 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin July 2001.