REHACOP: an Integrative Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in Psychosis

Interview to Dra. Natalia Ojeda del Pozo co-author of the REHACOP program


The REHACOP is an integrative cognitive rehabilitation program, initially designed and validated for people with psychosis and Schizophrenia. This program is based on the restauration, compensation and optimisation principles of the cognitive functions. In addition, the efficacy of the REHACOP has also been proved with people with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and normal ageing. After its experimental design, the program has been successfully implemented in the clinical practice in the mental health network of Biscay and Alava, as well as in different hospitals and institutions in Madrid, Balearic Islands, La Rioja, Malaga, Santander, and Mexico.

Moreover, several research teams are working now on its translation to English (Kessler Foundation in the USA), Portuguese (University of Coimbre), and Polish (University of Warsaw).

Authors: Ojeda N., Peña J.
Intelectual Property request with Nº: BI-139-07.

Date of request: 08/03/2007.


